8/19/2014 0 Comments De-ClutteringMay 31, 2013 I've been doing a lot of "de-cluttering" in my home due to my daughter moving home. The reason for this was to make space in my office closet for my yoga clothes they had previously been in my daughter's bedrooms closet. It forced me to clean out a closet that hadn't been touched since we began our remodel (4 years ago!!). Oh the stuff that was "stuffed" in there! Why do we hold on to things that we don't need and aren't using? Boxes of CD's, DVD's, and framed pictures that haven't been missed in 4 years. Time to let them go. Once the space was cleaned out, there was ample room for not only my clothes but also for other teaching related items to be stored. My office is now truely my office! This is a big deal because I spend a good majority of time in it. My husband also put a nice sounding water feature right outside the french doors - it brings tranquilty into the space. Think about doing some "de-cluttering" in your home. Maybe it's a drawer or a closet that you've been thinking about for a while. I challenge you to not put it off any longer and "just do it". Maybe even burn some sage in the space afterwards to free up any negative energy that may be lurking there. By de-cluttering your home you de-clutter your life :) peace, Heidi
Heidi Borsch